"Mufti Menk's profound insights illuminate the essence of respecting dietary restrictions. 🍽️✨ Join the discourse on honoring diverse dietary needs, fostering inclusivity, and celebrating cultural sensitivity. Let's embrace differences with compassion and understanding. " #MuftiMenk #RespectfulDietaryChoices #InclusiveCulture #CulturalSensitivity
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2024-04-12 18:41:22

you have a beef burger please don't offer it to the hindus it's insulting it's blasphemous they would actually feel so hurt don't would you ever if you have hindu friends actually telling hey have some beef
i don't think so
exactly the same could be said about pork and the muslims do you agree
imagine if your friend says this is a pork burger come on bay can taste nice you know come on come on
you know
how would you feel
they respect you you get along with them you build the nation you contribute towards the building of the nation together
do you know that
but you have different dietary restrictions which are respected