Ask yourself why your health isn’t your biggest priority? How you gon hustle when your not healthy?? πŸ’ΈπŸ”πŸ†™πŸͺ½πŸ’―πŸ”₯πŸ€‘ #hustle #priority #health #askyourself #loveyourself #workout
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2024-04-12 00:55:53

i'm gonna give you something really fast when i wake up in the morning an item for me to maintain my knees in good shape
of my knees
the same yet i'm doing
because i think that small magazine loss in the morning until last one
your bones shit you know
so in the morning when you wake up no think of those games that it's gonna hurt you so you would think about seventy eight i should be sicker than when i was thirty right i couldn't fall on my knees i'd walk on the concrete i don't care to pay but people were using
hated calcium chloride calcium
and to do that we need the knees on the road