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2024-04-11 16:10:34

secret ingredient that allows you to eat dessert and still go into fat burning mode what is
is vinegar and so vinegar when i first saw the scientific studies i was a bit shocked i was like wow this is crazy nobody's talking about this so one tablespoon of vinegar
in a tall glass of water make sure you dilute it
before a meal can cut the glucose spike of your meal by up to thirty percent it's incredible without you needing to change anything about what you're eating you just add the vinegar before the meal of your day that's going to be the highest and carbs for example and you still enjoy your meal with less impact on your body thanks to the vinegar so in the method in week two we add one vinegar drink a day and it can be super simple it can just be the vinegar tablespoon in water
but if you're a bit squeamish i have lots of delicious teas and mocktails you can also make a salad dressing that also works and any type of vinegar works accept avoid the very syrupy aged yeah italian balsamic sadly but yes because that one has a bit more sugar in it's super simple tremendous impact especially if you're somebody who suffers from post-meal cravings yeah this is going to nip them in the bud