Puny human 👨‍🍼

Movie: Lucy (2014)

Synopsis: When Lucy unknowingly becomes part of a drug trade, sinister individuals insert medications in her body. They then give her unique abilities, which she uses to gain vengeance against her perpetrators.

Follow @vedicmastery for more.

#lucy #scarlettjohansson #existence #science #universe #natureofreality #sciencequotes #lifeonearth #morganfreeman #God
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2024-04-11 09:40:20

humans consider themselves unique so they've rooted their whole theory of existence on their uniqueness one is their unit of measure
but it's not
all social systems we've put into place are a mere sketch one plus one equals two that's all we've learned but one plus one has never equal to
there are in fact no numbers and no letters
we've codifies our existence to bring it down to human size to make it comprehensible
we've created a scale so that we can
forget it's unfathomable scale