3 Reasons you get Attracted to the wrong people
Avatar of m.farouk_radwan


2024-04-11 16:55:35

three reasons you get attached to people very easy and you also remain broken of tropical
number one your life lacks intimacy and i'm not talking about intimacy with romantic partner talking about normal intimacy with friends which is requirement such as eating and drinking
if you don't have this you try to find the intimate relationship that's not bad but once the relationship was wrong you lost your only social intimacy and this is why will never recover from the breakup number two you don't understand that for every person in the world there are many potential partners not just once will meet and we find one of those potential partners when they match some of the items in our subconscious loveliest list of items at the back of our subconscious minds
you have a very limited social circle
you probably think that this person was the one whereas he was just the one who matched your subconscious criteria from amongst so many other people that government number three you had extended dependency your life was a mess and you went for a relationship just to make your life better because you really wanted a person when you lost the person you lost everything and if you want to recover from any breakup in the world in days with a money-back guarantee for didn't work
might want to check out my book how to get over anyone few days and find the link to download a pdf in my profile