You need the right mindset for sales.

A clip from one of the lessons in 'Find Your Dream Clients'
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2024-04-12 21:06:48

what sales isn't it it's not selling your product to everybody it's not about getting something out of the other person it's really about helping think about the used car salesman that's really just trying to push that's not how you want to be instead think of yourself as how you would speak to a doctor or an accountant right you know when you go into the doctor's office wouldn't it be weird if they were just like throwing a bunch of pills in your face just like all you've got to try these new pills i got them for half off you really weird right usually they'll come in they'll just ask a lot of questions and listen to you and really try to genuinely find out what your problem is and help you and that's exactly how you should be in sales and if you have that same mindset then you're gonna have much better experiences for yourself and for your prospects