The episode of the Huberman Lab podcast out now is with legendary producer and author of the book “The Creative Act: A Way of Being”, Rick Rubin @rickrubin
The episode focuses on the practical aspects of creativity, including questions and answers from the audience of Rick’s previous appearance on the HLP.
It’s a conversation that I believe everyone: musician, artist, scientist, teacher, parent, etc. can benefit from because it’s less focused on a particular craft, than it is on the mindsets and daily routines that direct our mind toward our greatest levels of unique creativity and personal expression.
You can find the episode in all formats by going to It’s timestamped so you can navigate quickly to the topics most of interest to you.
Meanwhile, put any questions you may have in the comments section below this post and as always, thank you for your interest in science!
- @stanford @rickrubin
#neuroscience #science #ciencia #neuroplasticity #create #devotion
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2024-04-12 21:40:44

how does one convince themselves that what they're doing and working on is worth it
and i think here we have to define worth that
um and we can define any number of ways but
i think this is a feeling that i hear people express a lot like how do i know if i'm on the right path
and i just want to remind
your earlier answer that you're you're pretty comfortable with uncertainty yeah
this and the unknown yeah and i think that's a rare trait that the question of worth it
is reliant on an outcome
we don't make these things for an outcome
it's it's it's not the mindset
to make something great
the outcome happens
you're making the best thing you can make
it's a
it's a devotional practice
whatever happens after that
happens and that part
that happens after it is completely out of your control
putting any energy into that part that's out of your control so wasted time
all it is all it does is undermine your work your work is to make the best thing you can so any thought you have about outcome
undermines the whole thing