I Will Definitely Take Her Up On That
Avatar of itsdanielmac


2024-03-31 06:59:37

do this why would you do for a living your course awesome do i look like other job
guys you're driving a bravo's i'm just kidding i'm a realtor your realtor yeah really know it yes i know like is this the best place to buy
of course it is okay yeah you're like you're like well somebody's house now you should come see one one time oh crazy i'd be awesome yeah give you more
oh i love that yeah sick germany life advice to invest in real estate real estate yeah okay and that's primarily what you invest in
marquette or just reels real estate yup it makes sense when you like know the market yeah yes that's sick though but i'm taking so come next time i would love to okay because actually do it i'll take your word on it
we're gonna say that's a date