Change your job every 2 years? 🧐😱👇🏻

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Credit @your.richbff
Avatar of intelligentcryptocurrency


2024-03-29 09:27:47

forbes did a study people who stay at jobs for longer than two years make less than make essentially fifty percent less their entire lifetime so my thing is is like you need to be either up or out every two years every two years you need to be getting a ten to fifteen percent promotion at a minimum every two years otherwise you need to leave you need to go somewhere that's going to pay you because if you're not doing that you're going to be making less and people are like well the job market's bad and like you know it's not the great resignation anymore i agree i concur it's not as easy as it was two three years ago but we have to take a long hard look at ourselves and be like am i actually doing a good job do i deserve a raise because the best people the smartest people the people who perform the best and have the best results and you don't make sure their boss knows that they're doing a good job they tell people what they're going to do they do it and then they tell everyone how they did it those people are gonna get paid every year and they always have since the dawn of time