If I hear, one more agent talk about sellers being handcuffed by low interest rates and that’s why they are not selling my head. My spin around and snot may fly out of my nose!

Let me assure you, if one of the 5 Ds happen, I promise SELLERS WILL SELL!

#GlenndaBaker #RealEstate #AtlantaRealEstate #GoldenHandcuffs #InterestRates #SellersMarket #GoogleGlennda #The5Ds #GlenndaGram #Divorce #Debt #Diamonds #Diapers #Death
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2024-03-29 18:43:11

if you find a house that meets your needs at a price you can afford you're going to buy it if you're in the market to buy all these sellers golden handcuffed into their properties they're not going to sell if somebody dies if somebody gets divorced if somebody is in huge amounts of debt if somebody gets engaged and if somebody goes into diapers they're probably going to sell you think about those five days those five d's happen no matter what the interest rate is no matter what the housing cost us that is divorce death debt diamonds and diapers we should put that on a shirt i love it