She spends $10,000 per month in NYC #streetinterview
Avatar of suleymandolaev


2024-03-30 02:28:36

what's your name and where are you from turkey how long have it in new york city
a month now how long are you saying her
another three months while you're here
it's chilling
to me
how you like it here i love to hear i wanna move next year
and we're from turkey audio a stumble but i live in london so
yeah why do you travel so much
i mean i lived in london all my life and i thought it's time for like a change of city so
we'll see
how much money will you spend on your entire trip to new york city including everything
for how long
say every month
oh fuck
i love i love shopping
more than ten k for me
and how do you spend it
clothes in food
what about the rent
my dad
and what's your job what do you do i die
what's your dad's job i own like a cosmetics company
if you were to give one life advice to everyone that's watching
can be anything what would you tell them um just like
travel as much as you can see as much as you can before you settle down