you've been here before
few times but your name
anyone ever offered your test drive
nobody ever said hello
people judge
i wish it weren't so but people judge
your cotton poly blend pleated khaki slacks by yourself on how stupid and
you can wear whatever you want if you drive a car
that's not what you drive when
you drive one because this car is
a transcendent experience
i'm nicola
ready for test-run
i'll get the kids
taking the gallardo out
is a looker not a buyer
would you start it
this morning
i didn't tell you
they called
welcome nick x
rover maybe a looker please live
good luck thank you
but i said what i tell ya
outline okay have a seat i'll get the paperwork going can i get you some express all right yeah okay
so my first sale and i promised to split it with rebecca
hates buying i know but she's held another customer if you log in on computer