should be or in today's time. Is it too much to ask for?

Please share your thoughts on this in comments. Would be helpful for me as I am going through lot of this .

#love #conditional #unconditional #emotional #pain #dating #datingadvice #datingtips
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2024-03-31 00:44:25

you know veronika it's actually dennis
yeah whatever
i have never been able to find
real love
it's always been
this condition that condition i want this i want that
ham like they're
these low what is low you know has had away always said
what is low baby don't hurt me yeah
but love comes with hurt
it comes with condition you know even the word unconditional love
has conditioned inside it there is one small condition you know like
if you use conditioner for your hair
ah no yeah i can tell that
maybe you should but um
the condition the the condition in the here it makes this moist it makes it nice it makes you seal kit you know is the same thing with love yes there is no condition but if you add little bit conditioner little bit gift apartment car loofah torn than the love comes much smooth much silky you know maybe that is what you're missing the conditioner
for your saying i should have lot of money yes that's exactly what i was trying to tie don't want that type of admission i want unconditional love
there is only one woman in this world who is going to love ya yeah
and that is your mother
or but my father would not be proud