What a woman needs from a man to FEEL a connection is that he is genuinely curious about her. She wants to feel seen, heard, and understood.
At the same time, she wants to feel that there is no agenda. She doesn’t want to feel the pressure of obligation or that you are trying to get something from her.
Try this way of being with a woman and she will want to be around you more.
#datingadvice #datingtips #becurious #flirtingtips #johnkeegan #datingcoachformen
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2024-03-30 17:14:14

two things are really important for a man
be curious don't look at her as an object or a means to an end or
put her on a pedestal be genuinely curious about her and she'll feel it she'll open up to that
treat her like you would treat a really good friend that you really care about
even when you're first meeting her and even when you're on your first and early dates with her
that's two qualities i want you guys to think about so that really breaks down into being curious and being super present and superhuman