Everything counts 🗣💯 brian Tracy #MoisFearless
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2024-03-29 13:57:58

everything counts
everything that you do
the biggest mistake that people make is they think that only what they want to count counts
now when you read a book for you this is an audio program we go to a course
when you go to bed early and get up early and you work
get all counts
and it's all going on the plus side of your ledger
but when you watch television
waste time hang out
fool around and so on
all of that counts as well
and it's going on the negative side
of your ledger
a person who has a great life
by the law of accumulation
is a person who's accumulated far more credits more pluses
on the credit side than debits
on the debit side
and here's an important point
if what you are doing is not moving you toward your goals
then it's probably moving you away from your goals
is neutral