Full Brit innit 😂
Avatar of denise.alexe


2024-03-27 12:56:21

hello hello
hello how are we
okay how are you fantastic
my name is my name is emma my name is jonathan stevenson hello jonathan
how are you where are you from jonathan ah i'm english obviously
yeah fully fully yeah
oh we're
ah we're from
ah you know where
oh ah manchester hair
right right la la it's right next to sa sex speed it sis is that in this south sudan center east sarah schaaf midwest rye rye rye rye i actually live quite close you did yeah
where sure sherwood forest ham
oh yes
no way yea she come from liverpool yeah yeah
so emma you said
you don't look like an emma oh well i mean it's it's it's ellena my name is alana
oh i just am a short foil roy i actually my my name john is actually shortfall abdullah
abdullah yeah very english
i was wondering like i'm actually ready you
could tell me to throw alias even for me actually i i moved from from russia for russia hey yeah