what does your ideal man look like ah discipline i really really really admire a discipline man is got a set of principles and boundaries when it comes to his mind body and soul what he wants to do until the work what he wants to do in terms of jam what he wants to do in terms of the relationship
now he doesn't bend those rules regardless of who i am like if you are acting crazy if you're gonna be silly
that's not going to work yeah but when you bend and do that i actually lose respect in that process stick to your guns stick to your morals stick to your work work hard be inspiring i'm inspired by them and i do like a man who naturally instinctively
likes to
look after his woman not necessarily financially emotionally as well i don't enjoy that man that is accessible and available to everybody in anybody it loses his alert like a kind of ah a guy who selected with his time money and energy and i do think that's one of the traits i do look for