what year are you born in ninety seven ninety seven years ox when you become a millionaire
a couple years ago two thousand and twenty one yeah two thousand and twenty one years docs
hs outwork was the best year financially for me so your best year was under your own energy yeah like by far like okay ah that girl bobby who's coming up who might be a plant chic started doing her podcast in two thousand and twenty one years ox she's born ninety seven or beast found in nineteen ninety eight year of the tiger got a billion dollar evaluation last year and the year the tiger know who sneak oh is right yeah stico came on when last year he went from
pretty much being broke having a bag and the last one because i don't want to just say oh it's these influencers i'm cherry-picking what about tom cruise nineteen sixty two the year of the tiger
he got his first bag and nineteen eighty six with top gun
a year to tiger got a remake in two thousand and twenty two the year of the tiger and he became again the highest paid actor in hollywood last year
tiger in a tiger year see how it works if you do things when you're supposed to when your energies
basically compatible moogle lot further that's why they would say timing is everything right yeah
well if
numerology astrology can time things out correctly