let's just say you make sixty three thousand dollars per year and how do your sixty three thousand dollars per year you're a syrian you love your mom you love your dad what percentage of that you two are living together you gotta found new china pay the rent all this stuff what percentage of your sixty three thousand dollars a year which is roughly fifty two hundred dollars a month are you comfortable giving to your mom to help out on a monthly basis what part do you think it's fine without ruining your marriage
that's tough question because rally my dad taught me i'll help somebody but don't let you helping them break you so i would build my foundation and give enough that i could that wouldn't break my give me number five percent i feel like ten percent ok fine five hundred bucks a month no problem you're ready you know why specifically sixty three thousand dollars because america's federal expenditure is sixty three thousand dollars except at eight zeros which becomes six point three trillion dollars you know what percentage of our six point three trillion dollars we give an entitlement programs fifty three percent