i don't drive toyota's i drive ferrari's
what do you want
to say
can't hear what i'm saying
do you want man
what do you want with me i want financial independence and actually fierce easy
just be homeless you free
so what's your what does that i've what do i want to question answer the question i want to buy a goldmine
go buy a goldmine
do you know how to do it
i don't know how to do the bro study
find somebody who bought when
i started for about ten years how to buy gold mines
i was travelling in vancouver british columbia
south shore called the v r i c
vancouver resource investment conference
and i go to vancouver british columbia canada canada
and i studied with all these guys own gold knights
and i went looking for gold mines i've found one
i found a gold mine and this is
two thousand and four
i found a goldmine in dolly on china
so i don't think you could do it
i bought it
it's not that simple if it's there i just buy it's not that simple there's a lot of
loopholes because i know how to raise capital
okay i studied honorees capital
i go to vancouver and i started with guys who raise copy
i think you hang out with employees
i don't have