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🗣️سادیا خان: روانشناس
🗣️ Sadia Khan: Psychologist
Credit: @successverse
#زن #رابطه
#زندگی_خوب #مرد
#زن #رابطه #women #relationship #زندگی_خوب #مرد #goodlife #men
Avatar of morningturbo


2024-03-29 02:42:34

but to me about the problem with nice guys essentially what nice guys do is what they suffer with is not that they're too nice or anything it's just that they have incredibly weak boundaries when it comes to women what they do is they blame the fact that they're so nice as to why they can't get women but it's not about being nice is about a lack of masculinity one of the best ways to establish masculinity is placing boundaries when you don't like a behavior you don't roll over and allow it to continue and then give her more in order for you to get her you set a boundary and you have a willingness to walk away nice guys what happens is they don't like to exert their boundaries and they don't have a willingness to walk away so what ends up happening is a nice nature becomes a reason for resentment because women don't like it they actually feel angry when you're too nice to them because then they don't feel protected they feel like you're weak because you feel like just a razor and you lose respect for you what we've truly one is we can trust makes good decisions but the one that doesn't trust his own decision making and we have to do it and he comes across as being nice essentially seen as weak