Personal finance is not taboo episode 53!! 🤑 We have taken to the streets of London to discuss our favourite topic-Money! 💰
Today we spoke with a doctor working in both the NHS & private sector! 🩺

#streetinterview #salarytransparency #interviewingstrangers #personalfinance #emmafinanceapp
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2024-03-28 02:41:46

don't see how you can live in the city on one hundred thousand a year oh do you what do you do i'm sixty five i'm a doctor
how long have you been doing that for well since medical schools so yeah
more than forty years now yeah
do you mind sharing roughly how much you make doing including my aunt chess work and my private work
votes six hundred thousand a year but usually our follow-up question is do you feel like that's enough to live in london actually know what um
no matter how much money you make it never feels like you've got enough to work live in london how much do you think is like a baseline people need to earn to comfortably live here most of my colleagues that aren't doing private work yeah adopt to earn about a hundred thousand a year yeah they do not feel
in any way comfortable don't see how you can live in the city on one hundred thousand a year are you currently saving towards anything in particular
know because i've got quite a bit savings yeah do you usually talk about personal finance and member family never okay yes this is the first one yeah sure