To react is to create more karma, but that isn’t our only option. Instead pause, reflect, and respond consciously - By taking control of our reactions, we can break free from the endless cycle of karma creation. Break this cycle and choose a different path.

{karma in life, how important is karma, response, responsibility, inner peace, how to meditate, guided meditations on Instagram} #KarmaReactions #FreedomFromKarma #DontReact #KarmaCreatingMachines #Satsang #KarmicCycles #Spirituality101 #MeditationPractices #DaveMann #Wellness
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2024-03-28 22:27:27

is karma
response is freedom from come
you react
karma is created
you respond
no carbide screen
that has to be understood
we put the ball squarely in your court and says
okay where are we going to do
am i going to react react react every time somebody says something to me
i'll be bound here
i'd be bound
what is the end of reacting mind
you react they react do you react more they react more they react more soon there's war
so there is no end to come from reacting
take the reaction out of
all reaction is karma creating
and v human beings don't realize that we are karma creating machines