people will think you have to do something dramatic you know like make a big gesture
you know
you can give somebody a million dollars you may not change them but if you put your hand on their shoulder
and tell them that you believe in them
you may change their wife and i remember very vividly it was very cold day and it was in the winter
and we lived in a
litter but they call a cold water flat
we didn't have
we didn't have hot running water or heat
and my dad and my
brother and i so we actually sitting and my mom
was sitting in front of a stove with the other door open
to get the heat
and my dad put his hand on my shoulder i was ten years old
he says frank
you talk
pretty good someday
you're going to be a lawyer
you're going to be a warrior and
you can't charge poor people
and we never did in this war office