This is one of the most common questions people ask me: what book of yours should I read first?

What was the first book of mine that you read?

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2024-03-26 12:10:35

i would tell everyone who's listening
sugo pick up one of his books there's something for everyone um personally if i were to start with one book i would start i think with laws of human nature
but you might you might tell them to start with something else each person's different it's a long book yeah so if you don't mind reading or you get it in audio then yes that's a good book to start with
but if you're like
interested in improving your dating is issued than the art of seduction
if you're dealing with toxic people forty eight laws of power
if you're a business person who's starting a business and it's
it's kind of a tricky world navigate the war book strategy book is very good
and then if you're twenty one about to launch your career and you don't know what you want to do than masters book for you so
and then if you real riddled with fear
that's holding you back then the fiftieth law