Tate CAN’T spend his MONEY
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2024-03-26 18:25:46

after twenty million dollars
life is basically the same
if you don't want to buy a jet and you don't want to buy y'all
you'll never any more than twenty million dollars really because there's nothing to buy and i can read the oath in the gym you can you can charter yachts you can charge which is probably smarter anyway i had a jet i owned one for a few months and i sold it
and the reason i'll never buy a gigantic because
they have all these into our tracking them that's why geez jay i'm not having it trudeau i know the other guy he just just sold out because i don't want everyone knowing where i am all the time
if you don't buy a yacht which is very expensive or via jet you can buy a nice house most places on the planet you can buy two or three cars you can buy some diamond watches you can buy some nice clothes and that's all there is to buy was actually kind of amazing to me as when i was poor i thought about which i buy all this stuff and now i'm rich i can buy anything i want and there's nothing to buy clothes i already have too many my wardrobes complete full head to toe where most
diamond watches you get ten how many you need cars i have twenty eight i drive like for
what's there to buy