My husband is a doctor and he couldn’t agree more. If we change the way we eat - prioritize one ingredient real foods and significantly limit the amount of ultra processed foods we eat, as well as drink, we would improve our health drastically!!

A pill is easy to take, but it is a band-aid and without putting in the work and changing the way you eat, move, think and do, you will likely be on that band-aid medicine for the rest of your life. And guys, we weren’t designed to be on all those chronic medicines!

The biggest lesson I can share, from my own experience is that when you change the way you eat, you change your health forever!!

Chronic medicines, frequent headaches, GI distress, acne, behavior disorders, obesity, weight gain, lethargy.... this ISN’T NORMAL! Sure, you can continue doing exactly what you are doing and take a pill for the rest of your life. You can support Big Pharma and help them profit.....

OR.... you can take back your health, your life, your family!

Changing the foods we eat - switching to more real 1 ingredient foods and cooking at home is the best medicine you can ever take! Moving your body, walking, lifting, bike riding is the best medicine you can take. Getting outside, skipping the sunscreen and letting the morning sun kiss your skin, breathing in the fresh air and nature is the best medicine you can take. Prioritizing sleep instead of staying up until midnight watching netflix is the best medicine you can take.

Friends, let’s put the chronic pill side of big pharma out of business! If you don’t do it for you, do it for your kids!

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2024-03-26 15:25:42

few users uses
none really huh never lose
people movements ignore what the two leaders
biased news the ways to turn the wind up
break the chains takes a day to start