Cheating Is Different For Men And Women

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2024-03-24 02:23:49

what do you think about getting back together after infidelity is different from many women
when a man forgives a female cheat she can't respect you the same way you got to remember we like alpha men often don't accept promiscuity
so what happens when you accept a woman back
a part of her will always feel like you're weak and you don't have the willingness to walk away because there's nothing that can push them onto a way more than infidelity and if that didn't do it nothing will
it's so now she's lawless
because your masculinity is depleted and the other thing is the man loses his masculinity just after hate himself for not being able to walk away
she's gonna beg in school so please forgive me please forgive me but the reality is
we don't want the man that fit gsis really don't
we want the man that says you had your chance it's been a pleasure i wish you the best because
we respect