Many times, the people who say that “money isn’t important” or that “money isn’t everything” are unconsciously operating on a defensive and hypocritical mode. Video by: @theronmalhotra #TheTrillionaireLife
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2024-03-25 07:09:46

generally people who say money is not important are the ones that don't actually have it yes because you think about how many poor police people will trade places with rich people but how many rich people will trade places with poor peoples
so obviously the number of poor people that will trade places with rich people is a lot higher than the rich people that would trade places with poor people telling us
that even if you're unhappy with money you still want to keep it absolutely right and people say to me you know um
money is not everything
i saved them but what is not everything
yeah what kind of logic is that yeah what does not everything some thinking water like what kind of stupid people come and you know why people make these rationalizing statements
because what they're trying to do is they're trying to compensate for the lack of achievement area of money yeah you're trying to make themselves feel comfortable there it's correct they're trying to make it sound like hey you know what it's i'm i'm ok
and but that's ego what they should be going is they're looking in the mirror and i fucked up on this yeah fix it
and then the same people pretend that they're being humble yeah how's that humility humility is looking himself in the mirror and going i'm fucking up in the area of money let me fix it yeah it makes it rather than going oh you know money's not important