The key is to identify where the hate is coming from, and then dealing with it.

(video: @glennbeck )
Avatar of patrickbetdavid


2024-03-21 22:21:57

my dad and my mom got divorced twice they got married to each other my sister born divorce remarried i'm born divorced to each other okay
and there was this one
aunt we had
and i would be at the house and my dad doesn't come until eight thirty and she would come in and she would say stuff like this to my mom she would say is that all directed for you do you know what john did for mary he doesn't treat you that well why does anybody your bracelet how come he doesn't buy that diamond lakota an amazing woman you are look how many kids you've given her you know what other women are doing like you that are beautiful like you you think they're doing this you know what they're doing
and she would keep feeding this b s to my mom as a seven-year-old kid i'm sitting there watching they don't want watch and we know kids were paying attention oh yeah
and then i would see my dad would come home and when my dad would come home the fight would start when to fight would start and my dad doesn't know what his fight came from he has no clue that lady created a proxy war my dad has no clue that was a proxy war that is an element of a proxy war that leads to divorce right