Every single time you write down your vision, you program them deeper and deeper into your subconscious mind. Write down your goals every day!

Speaker: @thebriantracy

#lawofattraction #subconsciousmind #manifestation #manifesting #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourlife #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment
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2024-03-22 03:37:14

this is the most incredible method i've ever seen i learned some years ago just rewrite your goals every morning because every time you write your goals down your programming them into your subconscious mind when you program them into your subconscious mind you set up a field of vibration within your brain and this law of attraction based on this field of vibration attracts into your life people in circumstances that harmonize with your dominant thoughts what you do is you create a force field which we cannot explain scientifically but it is a field of vibration that goes out from you and tracks back into your life everything that you need to realize your dominant goals you can have anything you want imagine you have anything that you want
anything that you can hold in your mind and the continuing basis you can have