He makes $160,000 a year after an online bootcamp. Book a FREE career consultation with TripleTen career advisor, link in bio! #streetinterview #tripletenbootcamps
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2024-03-22 06:22:21

alex way from
new jersey how long have noticed it
for years how much they spent each month living in new york city including everything
maybe four thousand dollars a month and what's your job ordeal i'm a software engineer how much do you earn as a software engineer
like one hundred sixty
is that your total like base and comp yeah
and how did you get your job
so i initially went to college for business and then i got a job in sales
but then i took a bootcamp triple ten
and it helps you break into tech and yeah they have the highest
employment rate of all bootcamps like that what's the difference between a college degree and a boot camp like triple ten
so college degree is like four years sure what time it took me a few months
and yeah they really helped me break into tech i got a new position
they have the highest employment rate for opa camps like this would you recommend tripled tend to people watch right now yeah definitely i'll get a triple ten dot com think you could take a free session with the occurred advisor and get set up