⚡️THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS. How you THINK and how you FEEL creates your state of being. Speak positive and think positive and watch the universe reflect that energy back to you.⚡️


#joedispenza #mindset #motivation #manifestation #powerofpositivity #thoughtsbecomethings #lawofattraction #lawofvibration #lawofassumption #spirituality #spiritualawakening
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2024-03-21 14:21:41

arts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body
and how you think and how you feel creates your state of being
too if you think insecure thoughts
in a matter of seconds you are going to feel in secure
the moment you feel insecure your brain is monitoring how you're feeling and you think more insecure thoughts
which then makes you feel more secure and the repetition of that cycle conditions the body to become the mind of insecurity
than the person says
i am insecure and whenever you say i am anything
you are commanding your mind and body
into a destiny