The secret personality test ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Speaker ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ - @codiesanchez
Video ๐ŸŽฅ - @chriswillx

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2024-03-21 21:36:56

show me how long it takes you to order at a counter and i will show you your bank account i think why the longer people take in i had this had
happened to me the other day and i about lost my mind
but i was at a counter like one does
a coffee shop or something and there was there's always a lady in front of you right and the lady in front of you takes
centuries to order a coffee and a muffin
and what i realized very quickly is you know if you want to get something
done you give it to a busy person is the same
and i think often
that's why they say you should take somebody out before you hire them or take them out to lunch see how they treat the staff but i also see how quickly they make decisions because
who take forever to order when they stand in line one i really come from their inconvenience in somebody else
which means they have limited self-awareness maybe borderline on our ceo
and then simultaneously they're not very efficient at the things that don't really matter yet coffee order o does not really matter and so if we know we are here to find out amount of time i spend so much time on that as opposed to
a walk