It would be best if you assumed the feeling of already being what you want to be and having what you want to have. From this state… the universe conspires to match your surrounding life’s circumstances to match your inner feelings and vibration.

Speaker: Dr. Wayne Dyer

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2024-03-23 03:53:13

you must assume that you already are what you want to be and then live by faith in this assumption because you have a tendency to believe
what your eyes and ears tell you is reality but this is what we know by our census it's like a millionth of a millimeter
and all that is unknown
is in the invisible in the imagination you'll see it
when you believe it not the other way around people will say well i'll believe it when i see it
it doesn't work that way
and most of our attention is focused on
this is my beliefs and my disbelief about what is possible what isn't possible are here
and it's an endless and endless universe