$260,000 Family Income? What the 🤷‍♂️

Lady Boss rolling in her fancy red shoes 👠 as she makes six figures just like her hubby 🤗🙌🏼

She makes $ 110,000 in her IT job while her hubby makes $ 150,000 a year

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2024-03-19 00:04:49

what do you do for a living
so i'm ninety and i will continue with technology okay
what's our money are you making is it like one ten
yeah exactly you've got a great so it's it's one ten days yeah
i'll many years of experience i'll be looking at
i have to retain years of experience and from europe canada everywhere until years of experience
so he's making one fifty thousand you're making hundred and ten
what do you guys do with this money like vegas stashing pay
rent and possibly his really high almost anything like dictate reggae and we have a kid too
so yeah
the stuff was yoda
the the the cost of living i think it's not nadia sort of money but yeah it's good
just to see this like somebody making two sixty thousand dollars as a family income i think you must be being like probably one hundred thousand dollars in taxes right
like what the hell are you guys doing why don't you have a go in corporation and do the same thing and maybe make two hundred thousand and give just fifty twelve percent tax which is like thirty thousand dollars
yeah true but there are situations wherein you know we can
just can't go backwards route so i think you mentioned close vote permitted open-world comment okay turnoff
then once we got it then it becomes difficult likely because you will have demanded we don't have the stuff that we get back in the home country so we outsource anchor for all the things but we don't have that kind of outsourcing so yeah
one quick question for both of you
to sixty thousand dollars converted in indian currency would probably be like one point five c or roughly one point five crores
why not move back to india five years later just a question
honestly since your last question we are come with the mindset that we will be soon back to india okay so then