he's a good guy
but it's christmas and he's alone again
sure he has plenty of family and friends that claim to love him
but he still feels completely alone
he's watching everyone's stories and posts wondering what he did wrong
why doesn't he deserve to be happy like everyone else
why is he getting punished when he's done nothing but good for other people
he constantly ignores his own wants needs and desires to help others fulfill theirs
but no one ever does that for him
nobody has ever cared enough to stick around and he's starting to believe that no one ever will
he thought this year would be different
but here we are with a week left and nothing's changed
he's still lost he's still stuck in this endless loop of misery it seems that every time he starts to make some positive progress in climbing out of this hole he's been stuck in
life always finds a way to kick him in his face and drag him back down
he's not sure what to do
but one thing's becoming clear
he can't allow himself to be right back here again a year from now
enough is enough he tells himself as he spending another night numbing his pain away
he's ready to leave all the things holding him back behind
twenty twenty four
will be the year he finally holds true to his promises to himself
d m twenty twenty four
if you're finally ready to make this year different
no more