I’m not a fan of crying in public. I feel so many people are going through their own set of challenges that I don’t want to bring attention to anything else.

These are simply tears of joy for how good Gods been to us. Through good, bad and ugly times when nothing makes sense.

Future looks bright if we constantly give credit up and stay in gratitude mode.

(video: @lewishowes )
Avatar of patrickbetdavid


2024-03-21 04:36:24

how would you feel if you lost it all
but you had the favor of one i don't care i'm good
i don't care
i don't care
what a questionnaire
all the money all the business overall weight
is this all about
breaking a
million interviews
he's changed my life
so annoying
but real man i mean it's not annoying it's it's it's how you feel and how much comes in beautiful
thank them for people to know that when you care about so deeply