this is one of the craziest things i've ever seen last night this dude went viral on twitter for making over ten million dollars from a sixteen thousand dollar long on bunk
and he held through this entire rally from basically nothing to ten million dollars he posted the screenshot on twitter and basically started getting cooked with people telling him he should be taking millions in profit and he responded posting a new screenshot showing that he was now up almost thirteen million dollars and that he does not intend to close the position anytime soon he says that people called him stupid and greedy when it was up at five hundred k one male and now twelve mil and if you listen to them you would have closed it when he was only up a hundred k and basically gave a bunch of other reasons for why he's not selling honestly it takes a special kind of specimen to even make the trade like this and while i don't think this is a smart move at all i don't think anyone's in a position to tell this guy what to do