It's The Only Way That People Will Be Open To Your Competence
Speaker: @vvanedwards on @lewishowes show
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2024-03-19 08:35:07

very highly charismatic people
have to have the perfect blend of two traits to be highly charismatic to be compelling to be captivating you must have a perfect blend of warmth and competence very very smart people make the mistake of showing up as all competent
they try to blow you away with their numbers in their facts in their stats in their data
but they're seen as cold yeah they're seen as intimidating
on the other side you have people who are highly warm have kept us busy there's not a balance
they show up is high like
highly friendly but they're interrupted
they're told that they're not being taken seriously when are credible all people problems stem from an imbalance between your warmth and competence
and so not only do i think that charisma is essential
for being successful
i actually think it's the only way that people will be open to your competence