[SHARE↗️] nothing beats direct sales. Comment do you agree and TAG 2 FRIENDS THAT NEED TO HEAR THIS 👇👇
2024-03-18 22:49:45
yeah but sales is the only professional world where you can control how much you make but we've been sold tales is risky and it doesn't have security don't know bullshit where he wants that kinda fits the twenty sixth of october right now and the thirtieth you have three bills to pay you know based on your salary you cannot pay those bills sales is the only profession in the world where you could say i'm going to shut my mouth i'm gonna go find ten can prospects i'm not gonna complain because you can't complain to make commissions at the same time i'm gonna find five prospects and they're gonna pay for my bills somebody says daniel let's go for dinner tonight the bill com and you'll pays for my friends like no no no i'll pay for i said no no don't worry i'm not paying for the to three customers that i close this morning are paying for the dinner tonight and my mother calls me daniel can you buy me something nice when i want a nice purse give me one week when it will close the customer the customer is gonna pay for the parts you can't do that inside of a job
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