if you're going to be paid by an employer twenty dollars an hour the following statement must be true
during that hour your labor produces more for the employer that he sells at the end of the day
than twenty dollars worth because that's why he's in the
if pay you twenty you went to work and you did an output that gave another twenty for him itself
than he's got nothing out of this he's made twenty by selling what your labor helped to produce but he's gotta give it to no
and even though he likes you you're not going to do that
there has to be in it he will go something for him you have to produce
this is electable
you have to produce more in every hour
then you get paid
otherwise the system doesn't work
for those of you and i hate to tell you this because
partly you need to hear it and partly i admit i get a kick out of telling
those of you who think that in a capitalist system
you're never going to work for anybody who doesn't pay you what you're worth you don't understand the system you're in
that is never going to happen because that's how this system works when you go home at the end of a workday and you feel vaguely ripped off it's because you are
and the psychologist or others who helped you get over that feeling
isn't doing you any favor