همچنین ماسک گفت:” مردم یه*ود مورد آزار و اذیت یه سری گروه ها از جمله گروه های رادیکال اس*لامی قرار میگیرند”

🎥 Credit: CNBC
📅 2023
#ایلان_ماسک #گروگان #ایلان_ماسک #گروگان
Avatar of eloon.musk.ir


2024-03-15 22:31:03

you see this thing
you know what it is
when you tell everybody
this is
the says
says bring them home
it was given to me by the parents of of one of the hostages and i said i would wear this
as long as there was a hostage remaining
and i have
jewish people have been persecuted for thousands of years
everyone here has seen the the massive demonstrations
for hamas
in every major city in the west
that should be jarring