The Japanese optimize for reputation, Germans for employee satisfaction, Americans for market share and Indians for profits.

#casarthakahuja #startups #business #mindset
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2024-03-16 02:46:09

this is how the japanese germans americans and indians do business differently
while the japanese always optimized for not letting an existing client go
which means even if they have to deliver the product at a loss even lower because they cannot afford an existing customer to leave them
because of reputation
but the germans the always optimized for not letting their employees go and they will do everything possible to ensure that people don't leave their company
when it comes to americans they don't optimize for profits they optimize for market share
and they are willing to incur a loss for the initial few years
only in the guise of capturing the market so that later they can actually make super profits which is why the entire startup culture comes from silicon valley in the us
and when you think of developing countries like india or countries of africa
they always optimize for profits because they can't afford to spend and burn money on captaining market share
think about it and share it with someone only needed