Is 400 grand a year a shameful amount of money? Are we really saying that?

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2024-03-18 18:04:36

yeah i'm a four hundred grand a year i would be embarrassed with myself as a husband a father basically as a human being born a grand how did you make sense of thirty five thousand dollars a month
you have not done the math because i mean that's absolutely crazy like this video has a hundred and sixty one thousand people have liked that video makes me feel awful because
making four hundred thousand a year in the u k or the us or anywhere put shoe like firmly into the one percent
and this is the thing like it doesn't sound particularly sexy but if you make four hundred thousand a year
and you put some of it every single year into you know
savings or you put it into
you know a compound interest account and you do that repetitively for x many years you'll get to the point where you never have to work again like that is an incredible place to be you can look after your family you can have an incredible lives that
this advice is terrible and i feel awful for anyone that thinks that four hundred k a year
isn't successful