What does success mean to you? Let’s discuss 👇🏽

Join me in my next Artist Power Leadership program, where I will show you how to embody leadership through the energy of creativity, authenticity, and by tapping into your inner child – the artist within you. Comment APL to learn more! 💪🏽

Many people can accumulate significant wealth, but at what cost? And how sustainable is it?

This all comes down to the source of your creative energy. Are you creating from the energy of creativity, compassion, and abundance, or are you creating from the energy of overcompensation?

Take a moment to ponder. This is one of the significant challenges facing many multi-millionaires today.

If you’re aiming to create your first million, consider the energy behind your actions. And if you’ve already achieved it, it’s never too late to start working on yourself.

Allow yourself to create from an internal foundation to an external manifestation.

Clip from: @gerardadams podcast

#success #millionairemindset #abundance
Avatar of garrain.jones


2024-03-07 09:01:43

i got the millions the car the bentley the girls and i was like man
banging it then i was surrounded by a bunch of multimillionaires who had ten times more than that then one of my friends one day he had everything then he put a bullet in it to his brain and i was like i thought he was happy when i realised as he had everything but himself so there is an overcompensation to distract from very thing that was needed the most which was himself and i started to rethink
what do i want success to be like freedom of all forms what does that look and feel like and then what it really really really dialed down to me is anybody can make money but how long can you keep it and what's your state of mind and the feeling inside of your body while you harness this lifestyle
right there mall thai multimillionaires it's like bro you've been here for two minutes in you're sweating that's called anxiety