Write your own story

🗣️: @thebiggundon

Video: unionmagazine3910 on YT

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#andrewtate #writeyourownstory #inspiration #emotions #hardwork #inspire #success #mindset #growth #qoute #motivation #justdoit #inspirationalquotes #lifequote #life
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2024-03-18 15:04:31

so i'll eat in a restaurant my own
and i heard
a guy and girl in there on a date they were talking for an hour and everything they spoke about as they got to know each other
was the absolute achievements of other people
were i like this man i liked that fan too or you been here like everything you talked about nothing was i've done this yeah i want to do this it was you seen this movie what do you think this would do and it was just everything everyone else has done
and it's amazing that if you were to make a movie about that person's life not even the main character in their own fucking life they're just a consumer of everyone else's achievements
and this is how people are going through the world outings and they're wondering why they're unhappy we've you're externalizing your happiness to some football team doesn't even know you exist you know they they have to win for you to be happy if you can externalize everything and and have no self control and just be a feather in the wind will the liason kick your ass and you're gonna shit launcher and
this we're going
to talk