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@namak_tabatabaei ❤️🌹
@namak_tabatabaei ❤️🌹

#معجزه_نمک_طباطبایی #سیب #سم_زدایی #هویج #کرفس #بدن
#تغذیه #سلامتی #مایعات #نمک_سالم #نمک_هیمالیا #نمک_آبی #نمک_صورتی #نمک_سیاه #دلنمک #معجزه_نمک_طباطبایی #سیب #سم_زدایی #هویج #کرفس #بدن #تغذیه #سلامتی #مایعات #نمک_سالم #نمک_هیمالیا #نمک_آبی #نمک_صورتی #نمک_سیاه #دلنمک
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2024-03-06 01:31:07

so what are some ways that somebody can detox generally one of the best ways to detoxes stop eating for a couple of days when we stop eating those energies that usually go to digestion now start to cleanse and detox through the body well at living springs we do juices every two hours and then the main use is
eighty percent current ten percent apple ten percent salary and that can be taken every two hours sometimes we had to be a cucumber sometimes we add a few more grains sometimes we had to be the ginger
sometimes a little bit of beet
be true so we ultimately reduces a little bit so two days on juices is a great detox