"Jack of all trades, master of none"

You either have to be good at a lot of things, or great at a few…

Good is always replaceable, Great almost never is!

Choose how you spend your time & energy wisely & avoid distractions

#nimaattar #coremindset #SuccessCircle #mindsetcoach
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2024-03-16 01:46:08

i became successful because i made a decision to go all in you know how many people came to me
bro you should check out this investments no bro you check out that investment i'm gonna master this craft rule you've got to get into this thing
you get into that thing i'm gonna mask my craft
but nima what if you lose opportunities the only time you lose opportunity is when you stop mastering the skill and jumped from branch rach by the way it's a cartoon
this is shine
no no this is shiny
this is cheyenne here
for ten years then they're thirty oh my god there were so many shiny things i got over the focus on that's shining now forty
okay now i'm gonna get really focused i have a family i can't do this anymore that's shiny fifty
that by the time you know the persons eighty five they haven't mastered anything
you know what they mastered the shocking themselves away from this thing too that thing too that thing