Math is everywhere.

(Video: @fullsendpodcast )
Avatar of patrickbetdavid


2024-03-11 11:37:45

couple of things about iran
when i came to the states
and i went to junior high school wilson junior high school in la glendale
they're giving me math i'm like why are we doing math that we did in fifth grade they're like no this is algebra so i get it but we did this in fifth grade you did this in fifth grade would you do this on fifteen in iran we were
why are we learning you were ahead in iran iran's math the level of advancement in math in iran is unbelievable right why why why that is because because the shah i mean it's a tradition that he you know he invested billions of dollars in education and one of the ways he's he felt he was going to compete with the world was simply through
math if if we can get our kids to be better in math everything is math right everything we're doing right now is math angles or math
when you started it timeline how long we're going
segment question you ask sponsors when you put the sponge you put it at three minutes
to do your intro first then you do the sponsor everything is met this is all mathematical formula